Tochka (RKO)

Point (CSC) -best mobile and internet banking for business.

ID: 7
Tochka (RKO)

Map where "Tochka (RKO)" is active

Countries where Tochka (RKO) is active

Russia  - RU

Table Tochka (RKO)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Serving Client Tochka Insurance and Finance CPA 6000.0 RUB

Description Tochka (RKO)

The Internet bank can be linked to any accounting service, send payments, upload statements, generate tax payments and invoices to partners in one window.

Offer goals:

  • Payment is made for each Attracted client in the Billing period, who is discussed on a tariff package with a monthly amount of license fee for using the basic license of the PC Service Point of more than 1 ruble, who within 90 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the Remote Service Agreement and opening an account in a Branch of the Partner Bank sent at least 4 orders via the PC Service Point to payment for a total amount of at least 16,000 (sixteen thousand) rubles and received a response from the Branch of the Partner Bank on the execution of such orders.

Target audience:

  • Women and men from 21 to 65 years.

Details and Advantages:

  • Free opening of a checking account.
  • 70% discount for 3 months of service.
  • 7% per annum on the balance every month.
  • The longest operating day is 21 hours.
  • Round-the-clock support.
  • The best mobile and Internet banking according to MarksWebb Rank&Report in 2015 and 2016.

Advantages of the offer:

  • Fixed cost per target action. 
  • A popular service.
  • A large range of received traffic.
  • One of the leading banks in Russia.

Rules Tochka (RKO)


GEO: Russia (including the Crimea).

Below is a list of whom can not open an account, ie, they are not our customers. This is due to the fact that some organizations require, for example, the presence of the office (gos.predpriyatiya):

  • LE nonresidents registered in the territory of a foreign state;
  • State and municipal unitary enterprises, federal state unitary enterprise;
  • Payment agents bank payment agents distributors;
  • Organizations and individual entrepreneurs who are in the stage of bankruptcy / liquidation / reorganization;
  • Credit cooperatives.
  • 40705 - A special bank account of homeowners, housing associations, consumer associations and other specialized consumer cooperatives (a special bank account N 40705, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation opened an account regional operators, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives to account cash fund major repairs of apartment owners. Liability accounts.)
  • Pawn shops.
  • Promotional materials Allowed to use only promotional materials link Link to brandbook When you create your banners must be harmonized with the advertiser!

Exclude traffic types:

  • Motivated traffic.
  • ClickUnder advertising.
  • E-mail marketing (only on the basis of its own and in agreement).
  • Contextual advertising on the brand.
  • Cashback traffic (by agreement).
  • Adult traffic.
  • Toolbar advertising.
  • Contextual Advertising (YandexDirect, Google Adwords, Begun) not search only YAN. All except requests: RKO, the bank account, the account un account ooo, bank, bookkeeping, accounting services, brand points, competitors, foreign trade, registration, payroll projects, acquiring, overdrafts, loans for business.
  • Video traffic (only our materials and in agreement).
  • PopUp advertising (by agreement).

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