
Crediter is an online microloan service.

ID: 74

Map where "Kreditter" is active

Countries where Kreditter is active

Russia  - RU

Table Kreditter

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Loan issued Kreditter Insurance and Finance CPA 2800.0 RUB

Description Kreditter

Creditteris an online service for everyone. The Creditter company issues microloans on favorable and optimal terms for its customers, which makes it the most attractive in the MFI market.

Creditter is ready to meet customers halfway - to take risks and issue loans even in cases when banks refuse. Modern technologies and experience in the financial sector provide such an opportunity.

Details and Advantages:

  • Instant decision on the application without documents.
  • Early repayment is available.
  • You can extend the loan without penalty.

Advantages of the offer:

  • A sought-after service.
  • High-quality and relevant promotional materials.
  • Flexible tariff policy with individual conditions.
  • Regular payments without delay.
  • A large range of accepted traffic.
  • Fixed payments.

Target audience:

  • Women and men from 18 to 70 years old.

Rules Kreditter


  • GEO: Russia (except: the Republics of the North Caucasus and Crimea).
  • The loan is paid for only to a new user.

Traffic types by agreement:

  • E-mail marketing.
  • Contextual advertising (you can not lead to the advertiser's website, only to the showcase website).

Popular Offers in category Insurance and Finance

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